The Safety Safari is a program designed and implemented by the National Technical Honor Society students of the Advanced Technology Center with a purpose of helping young students become aware of online threats when navigating the "World Wild Web".
Throughout the program, the children will witness a safari in which the NTHS students lead the group on topics dealing with privacy, gaming safety, correct online behavior, and cyberbullying.
Never share your personal information online.
Practice safe gaming by only playing with people you know.
Be nice to others. Use the words "Please" and "Thank You".
The two mascots became the Junior Safari guide stickers that children earn after proving their safety knowledge through the Safety Safari game.
Lucas the Lion, well, he is the king of the jungle. Therefore, he serves as an enthusiatic leader for the learning during the sessions.
Tina the Toucan is a colorful little know-it-all. This little bird shows up whenever there is a need to review the tips for safety.
During the program, guides navigate the wild lands, stop, and explain each of the following tips before moving on to the next location: